The HVAC systems in the Buildings are designed to keep the temperature between 70 and 74 degrees.

Tenants can help maintain a comfortable office temperature by taking the following actions:

  • Close blinds on the south or west sides of the buildings on sunny days.
  • Keep papers and other items off perimeter induction grills. (covering induction grills restricts air flow)
  • Submit online work order to adjust the thermostat.

Heating and air conditioning are provided in season Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00PM, and 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday by written request. After-hours service can be arranged for an additional charge. Contact the Management Office for rate information.

Special Services

Heating and air conditioning are not regularly provided on Sundays, holidays, or after normal business hours. If Tenants would like heating or cooling service at these times, they need to send a written request notice to the Management Office at least 48 hours in advance to schedule this service.

Special air conditioning or ventilation may be needed for tenants’ computer facilities, conference rooms, or personnel-intensive staff areas. We can aid the tenant with the design and installation of additional vents or equipment to meet special needs. Please contact the Management Office for details concerning the requirements for this service.