Elevator Emergency
- In the event of an elevator malfunction, it is possible that you may be detained in the elevator. It is important to be prepared for such an occurrence.
- Communication from the elevators to the Fire Command Center is possible by handless speaker system located in the elevator
- If you are trapped in the elevator during business hours, push the “Emergency Alarm” button inside the elevator, located on the panel to the right and left of the door ONCE to alert building security.
- Instructions on Use of Elevator Phone
- Push “Emergency Alarm” button once
- A dial tone will be heard
- Red light indicates Security Desk is being called
- Security Guard will respond to you
- Two-way voice communication is now possible
- Do not push button a second time unless you become disconnected.
- Security can call the elevator back from the Fire Command Center
- Inform the service company operator of your location:
- Do not try to force open the elevator doors.
- Never attempt to leave the elevator if it is stopped between floors, unless specifically instructed by emergency personnel.
- Relax and stay calm until help arrives. Please allow approximately 20 minutes from the time of your call for help to arrive.
- During an elevator emergency, 911 should only be called if the person(s) inside is/are trapped, as defined by the Denver Fire Department. The Denver Fire Department defines the word “trapped” as used in the UFC Denver Amendments Section 206-E. A situation involving one or more of the following would warrant a call to 911:
- The ability to communicate with the person(s) is lost
- The person(s) request that 911 be called
- There is a medical emergency (panic included)
- There is an environmental emergency (e.g. fire, chemical, bomb threat, etc.)
- Wall has to be breached or person(s) must be removed by any means other than normal passenger exit door or under their own power
- Building Management personnel, Engineering, Security, etc. deem it necessary to call 911
- The responding elevator company or mechanic deems it necessary to call 911
- Due to weather or other conditions (e.g. mechanic responding from home), the response time will be longer than thirty (30) minutes (and none of the other conditions above apply)